The Singapore Executive Roundtable saw the meeting of Singapore’s healthcare institutions and government agencies with 
Canadian, American and Chinese technologies companies.

Among the overseas attendees from North America and China include Dr. Aaron Fenster of CIMTEC (3D Imaging); Mr. James Harding of Global Woundcare Services; Ambassador Don Campbell of viDA Therapeutics; Dr. Joel Peek of Alimetrix; Mr. Mei Peng of TsingHua Asset Management; Mr. William Tang of Fosun Hani Securities.

Singapore was well represented by Mr. Aylwin Tan of CapitaLand Group (Moderator and co-host); Prof John Wong of National University Health System (NUHS); Associate Prof Chin Jing Jih of Tan Tock Seng Hospital; Prof Theng Yin Leng of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Ageing Research Institute for Society and Education (ARISE); Mr. Eugene Wee of Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR);Ms. Kelly Kwan of Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB); mr. Delon Toh of Enterprise Singapore (ESG); Ms. Jane Lim of Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA); Dr. Michael Ho of National Health Innovation Centre (NHIC); Dr. Mayank Gurnani of National University of Singapore (NUS); Ms. Dorothy Seet Chairperson of Sigapore Chamber of Commerce-China; and Ms. Edith Cheong of Singapore Chamber of Commerce (Singcham).

TZ Healthcare Management took a momentous step in solidifying the establishment of the center for commercialization healthcare technologies in the Singapore Executive Roundtable. The introduction of TZ Healthcare Management Pte Ltd in Singapore will orchestrate and provide the commercialization link between the completion of healthcare technologies development and launch into the Asian markets.

Read other forums:
Meeting Of Healthcare Minds
Collaborative Discussions
MOUs at the Singapore Executive Roundtable