Among the overseas attendees from North America and China include Dr. Aaron Fenster of CIMTEC (3D Imaging); Mr. James Harding of Global Woundcare Services; Ambassador Don Campbell of viDA Therapeutics; Dr. Joel Peek of Alimetrix; Mr. Mei Peng of TsingHua Asset Management; Mr. William Tang of Fosun Hani Securities.
Singapore was well represented by Mr. Aylwin Tan of CapitaLand Group (Moderator and co-host); Prof John Wong of National University Health System (NUHS); Associate Prof Chin Jing Jih of Tan Tock Seng Hospital; Prof Theng Yin Leng of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Ageing Research Institute for Society and Education (ARISE); Mr. Eugene Wee of Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR);Ms. Kelly Kwan of Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB); mr. Delon Toh of Enterprise Singapore (ESG); Ms. Jane Lim of Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA); Dr. Michael Ho of National Health Innovation Centre (NHIC); Dr. Mayank Gurnani of National University of Singapore (NUS); Ms. Dorothy Seet Chairperson of Sigapore Chamber of Commerce-China; and Ms. Edith Cheong of Singapore Chamber of Commerce (Singcham).